
Les Sens du Beau, 2015.icon

Curating - Château de Bouthéon

«Les sens du beau»  (The senses of beauty)  from 14 March to 12 April 2015 at the Château de Bouthéon as part of the Biennale Internationale de Design de St Etienne, collective exhibition 68 of the official Off.

The members of the «Made in France en transparence» collective argue that the beauty of their creations emanates from the appropriation and communion of regional materials and know-how.

We are committed to producing in France all or part of our creations. Why?  Because producing in France offers real benefits both on the quality of our objects and the price of employment through the joy of sharing, to take part in the transmission of French know-how marked by respect and history, prior to reinvention.

Designers organizers, founding members of the collective: Atelier Vincent Dionigi ,Benjamin Fournier, SAPERLIPOPUP, Studio Fabien Barrero+Carsenat, Mala leche Design, not wise!

Designers invited by the collective: Alexandre Didier, Atelier Design Masnada, Noémie BSG and Eric Bourbon, Claire Edel, HURLU, Claire Ducasse & Julia Mabille, Pierre Alexandre Cesbron, moeko, Jérôme Mawois, Baptiste Souletie.

Graphic design: Elisabeth Baeza

Partnership: Fabien Barrero+Carsenat

Curatorship and scenography: Maud Louvrier Clerc and Elodie Thibault-Cussigh


Maud Louvrier Clerc, founder of Collectif Made in France en Transparence

Click here to see the exhibition catalog.